CranioSacral Therapy is a practice of deep listening, and subtle but profound attention to the natural rhythms of the craniosacral system. 

CranioSacral Therapy can relieve:

  • migraine headaches 

  • tinnitus (ringing ears)

  • TMJ and other jaw pain 

  • chronic sinus congestion

  • low back and hip pain

  • shoulder and arm pain 

CranioSacral Therapy is a hands-on, gentle, non-invasive therapy that is often received while the client is clothed.

  • It is an effective treatment for people who are uncomfortable with typical bodywork modalities.

Each CranioSacral Therapy appointment is reserved for 75 minutes, and the fee is $75

  • the bodywork component is about 45 minutes up to an hour

  • sessions are not timed because they can vary in length, dependent on circumstances

  • CranioSacral Therapy is part of every Restorative Healing Therapy session

  • CranioSacral Therapy can be combined with a session of Manual Lymph Drainage

  • CranioSacral Therapy is a natural and expansive addition to a session of Spiritual Direction and Companionship

History and Explanation of CranioSacral Therapy:

CranioSacral Therapy has a structural basis, as well as a spiritual aspect to it

  • there is no separation between body, mind and spirit

  • the human body always presents as one body/mind/spirit

  • a craniosacral therapist pays attention to all pathways in order to gather information  

From a structural perspective: the "craniosacral" system is an anatomical system made up of:

  • the brain

  • a system of membranes inside the skull (cranium)

  • all 22 cranial bones

  • the spine

  • the sacrum

  • cerebrospinal fluid infuses, surrounds and protects all these component parts 

  • cerebrospinal fluid creates a subtle but palpable expansion and contraction in the body, flushing with blood and lymph fluid, identified as another "pulse," like heart rate and breath

CranioSacral Therapy has its roots in traditional osteopathy.

  • When sensing the movement of the cranial system, early osteopaths used language such as primary respirationbreath and stillness to describe the cranial rhythms

  • Genesis names "the breath of life," that gives us life

  • in Chinese medicine, this is called "chi"  

Whether we name it Breath, Spirit or Chi, we understand in some way that we are animated by a life force.

Understanding what happens in a CranioSacral session:

Craniosacral therapists pay exquisite attention to subtle, nearly imperceptible movements, to breath and to stillness.

  • the rhythm of the pulse parallels the changes in the autonomic nervous system:

  • when movements are more rapid, the nervous system is in a state of heightened awareness, reflecting the dominance of the sympathetic state

  • when the pulse slows, accompanied by slower and deeper breathing, the body is in the parasympathetic state

    Everyone is invited and welcome to my practice of bodywork therapy. I welcome LGBTQIA persons and I will provide a safe, non-judgmental, and affirming space.